
Bossa Nova!

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When I'm lucky anyway.

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The everybody's irregular gang has gone through some serious upgrades, getting a few new recruits this Summer. A fan favorite among fans has been Mr. Mosskawitz, commonly referred to by human earthlings as Cole.

This here is a photograph of him working diligently on a collab drawing, which has become quite the popular event with this here gang.

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Here's a detail of this drawstrosity. I threw down the colors at the get-go, followed by Cole's lovely lines and a massive high-five to Mr. John Sweeney for bringing us home with the dirty, diggit background.

If you have enjoyed this image I implore you to check out Cole's blog which houses a few fancy, perhaps even fancier than this even, collabs between even more pals.

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Before such events transpired, what got this evening rolling was an invitation to Panera. Now I had already eaten, but that didn't mean I couldn't hold a conversation...that was until I found this wonderful bag to draw on. Thank the good folks at Panera for already drawing all the noses for me. You guys are swell.

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The meditator to the left is working on layouts for his comic book. Lots of space, space monsters and a giant bat! I may have said too much, ho ho.

The ascending gentlemen to right is catching some air before the long trek to a karaoke bar...that actually wasn't doing karaoke that night. Bummer. We rose above however, another night reining in the sin.

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These photos chronicle the final moments of a good meal. Unfortunately my half of the group arrived very late for the dinner, however, we were lucky enough to have friends with the patience (and stomachs) of mountain men. I salute you sirs!

Another evening ending with similar shenanigans as the night prior. I think we got it right the first time, but you can't be too careful.

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God help me if this is the same night...I would assume it has to be. Not only did the 6 dinner mates trek back to the pad for some hang out time, but a few famous faces made their way over as well.

At peak hours of the night every guest had a sketchbook and was drawing. No one was talking and I didn't want to disturb the chi-flow.

Some interesting pieces were born that evening, hopefully they will make their way around the web.

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Hey - remember this kind of stuff? Me neither.

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